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Property Related Taxes

Whether you are a real estate investor or property owner, it is imperative that you receive the correct advice on any tax implications resulting from the buying or selling of property.

You will also need to be kept up to date on the constantly changing tax legislations, in order to anticipate any adverse effects and adapt accordingly.

For example, you might be a landlord who has purchased property in Cyprus or abroad specifically for letting purposes or are contemplating the disposal of a property. Are you certain you have considered all taxes, duties, special defence and health insurance contributions correctly? Furthermore, are you aware of all exemptions and allowable deductions provided for by the law? If you have any doubt, you should get in touch with us as soon as possible.

Our team of highly experienced tax professionals will handle all your property tax matters without any frills. We have extensive experience in dealing with the Cyprus tax authorities and Land Registry Department, with whom we have an excellent working relationship.

Contact us for any property tax matters as we will help you get everything in order and ensure they stay that way.

