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Tax Transparency (DAC6, CbCR, CRS, FATCA)

Businesses face increasing regulatory and tax reporting requirements, due to a strong push for tax transparency on a global level prompted by global institutions.

As a result, numerous international disclosure regimes have been introduced over the past few years, with the main ones being:

  • Country-by-country reporting (CbCR), for transfer pricing arrangements;
  • Foreign Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) for US interests;
  • Common Reporting Standard (CRS) for banking information;
  • Introduction of information exchange provisions in double tax treaties;
  • EU Council’s 6th Directive for Administrative Corporation (DAC6) on cross-border tax arrangements.

Implementing a reporting system within your business can be a time-consuming and expensive process, given the size and complexity of the regulatory framework and frequent changes on technical aspects. Despite these challenges, your business is forced to devote resources for reviewing your operations and developing risk assessment policies, as you need to understand your resulting exposure.

Our team of specialised experts can assist by delivering tax consulting, risk evaluations, compliance services and quality reviews on transparency matters. We will walk you through any exposures, discuss options with you and submit any required reports on time to the relevant authority. 

Contact us to get a quote today! 

